Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Your primary doctor is déclassé

No longer is the day needed when you call your doctors need to make an appointment. I have a cold  not feeling well or I have a rash of unexplained sources those days are gone my friends I just discharge my primary physician Dr. Adler and Dr. Vandergriff which from now on they will be known as Mr. Vandergriff and Mr. Adler... Why should I call him doctor when they don't do anything..
    I ended up back in the emergency room this Saturday because I've sprained my knee and I have diagnoses of a torn ligament torn Cartlidge so I have no one to treat primaries refused, and said we're not going to treat you so I can I keep questioning why do we need them.
    When I spoke to the emergency room physician he told me that he is seeing a lot of the primaries are no longer wanting to treat patients they want to do physicals and that's about it give you a prescription something every now and then and pretty much they're worthless when it comes to medicine.
      I didn't know if you know this most of them do not have admitting privileges the way things work now is if you get sick you go to the emergency room and if you get admitted the hospitalist which is paid by the corporation takes care of you and if they think that you all need a specialist then the specialist is called in I E a cardiologist, neurologist, orthopedics. Again now I have to ask why are people going to medical school are they going because they want to help people is it a calling, looking for money, are they looking for status, are they looking for privilege? I really have to question these kids when they get out of school 27- 30 years old with an  astronomical amount of money owed to student loans and we are talking quarter of $1 million and up to become a doctor just to get out and work 8to 4 no weekends and half a day on Friday no admissions no late-night calls no housecalls no calls at all. Sounds like a pretty sweet job to me except what are they get out of it I
don't understand I'm a registered nurse and I know my job was calling I knew that I wanted to be with patients take care of them watch them heal them teach them all on the road to recovery so what is happened I just don't understand now it seems like nursing is becoming in A means to an end and it's almost like I'm embarrassed to be called the nurse because so many people are going into it better so inapt and they all want to go from school straight into intensive care cardiac care

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

AMCE( American Movement for Change and Equality)

     Congrats to the many that are protesting the need to stop corporate greed, and to return the power to the people who elect these officials to represents us. We need to be heard and we need to galvanise the few into the many, and effect change in this great country of  USA!
  "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots." TJ.

Where is my 700 billion dollars

Hey there,

     Anyone here seen any of my 700 billion doaars we lent the banks, auto indusrty, Sallie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc...Just wondered if I should starts sending collection notices...I think they are behind by several months...Come on now Bank of America, if you can charge 5.00$ for an ATM card you can surley pay be back some of that 700 billion now cant you. I will be nice and you may start by sending me some installments because I do not want to put you in a bind,,,Let's say, 2million a month until you get on your feet again....

To be alive

   My "Ground Hog"Life

I wake up Again!  And I know one knows and I'm sure know one cares...

 I hear the irrational nail on the chalk board squeaking of the alarm radio as I slowy drift into to consciousness and think to myself.."Shit, I'm awake again!"  My life  has become the venerable movie "Ground Hog Day", you know the one with Bill Murray as the star of a hapless, apathetic, rude, self absorb, washed up reporter who awakens everyday to the same routuine. To others it's a
new day, to Bill it's the same upon day upon day...days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and months turn into years... The moral of the movie is, this is hell and welcome one and all to the party; this is a special place for those of you whom are mean, rude, etc. and belive Is hell!
    Everyday I awake to the same sounds, same smell of coffee brewing, the same routine of taking the dogs out, feeding them, getting my wife coffee and breakfest, watch her get ready for work, watch her leave, blow kisses, and then turn and look at me hell...
   The door looms before me like an evil grinning brown maw. Dare I walk in, dare I go in, dare, I stay here, or dare I just run away? I relent, my head down, looking at the grayish pebble concrete sidewalk reaching and stretching out before me...the long trek back to hell...the house...Slowly, methodically one foot I front of the other, I shuffle, as if walking to the gallows...
   I reach for the door, open it, step inside hell and look around at the world...slowly, cautiously, with great trepidation and angst, I step-inside. I close the door to the echoing sound of doom. I look around the foyer into the living room and dread washes through me as realzation takes hold....a disembodied voice resonates in my ears..." Welcome home dumbass"!
   I cover my ears close my eyes so tight the tears run. The voice does not go away instead it reverberates a few more times until the deathly quiet hush of silence replaces the cacophony of noise.
    I stand erect, walk slowly to the kitchen for my fourth cup of coffee of the day and the silence continues... It follows me from room to room until I embark on my delusional sanctuary...the bedroom. Silence tapes me on the shoulder to remind me it would be here Allllll...dayyyyyy....loooooonnnnggggg!
     I fall onto the bed shuffling my three dogs out of their blissful little dreams and begin to feel the exhuberence surround me...a lick here, a lick there, a moan,a bark, and reminder to "hey pet me"...I roll over and smile at one of life precious little joys I have left; Yes my dogs! I lay with them cajoling them to wrestle and bark and just act like dogs...for a single moment I am alive...just that moment, I still have 23 hours of silence, boredom, repetitiveness, and so on and so on and so on....
    God please relase me from this hell...I fall asleep again... I wake up again....the alarm clock drones it's, montanous tone...again...I open my eyes, and slowly realize, it's the same day....Again!